Next Talk: Monday 17th February 2025
Behind the scenes at Bristol Aquarium
By Aaren Critchley Next Walk:
Sunday 23rd February 2025 Anglezarke Reservoir
11:00 Park on the causeway PR6 9HD |
The Preston Society: Birdwatching & Natural History is a group of friendly people who have wide-ranging interests in different fields of the natural world around us. We exist for the study, appreciation, and enjoyment of natural history. To do that, we:
The level of knowledge of members varies. Anyone of any age with any level of knowledge is welcome to join us. If you have knowledge in aspects of natural history, you are very welcome to share it. People who visit often become members, once they have got to know us. Throughout the winter from October until March we meet every Monday evening, either in person or virtually on Zoom and YouTube, with speakers talking on varying aspects of natural history, such as birds, wildlife, marine life, flora, fauna, ecology, conservation, geology, astronomy, and other aspects of Natural History. We find speakers from all over the world, as well as local ones and the locations of the subjects they speak on can range from Lancashire to the other side of the world, occasionally beyond the world! Some of our speakers are regulars. Others come from afar and are experts in their field. Why not come along and join us? Have a look at our programme of talks. During the Spring and Summer, April until September, we are more active and have weekly walks around Lancashire, Cumbria, Merseyside, and Greater Manchester, with some day coach trips further afield. Have a look at our programme of walks. Sometimes we go away for short breaks to areas that cannot be covered in a day trip. There we visit Wildlife Trust Reserves, RSPB reserves, and other places of interest, exploring what the wider country has to offer. Have a look at our programme of field trips. Our current annual membership fee is £25 Membership runs from September to September each year, so will be due in the autumn. The membership fee includes talks, walks and priority booking/discount on trips. There will be no separate fee for walks only membership. |
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